With effect from 31st October 2015, Mr. Edmund Koh ( President), Mr. Christopher Kim (Secretary) and Mr. Kenneth How (Treasurer) have stepped down from their respective office. The Club wishes to express its heartfelt thanks for the contributions for the past years and wishes them well in their future endeavours.
Pleco Club (Singapore) wishes to congratulate and welcome the new Committees
President: Mr. Tan Yong Kiat
Vice President: Mr. Johannes Murti Jaya
Treasurer: Mr. Edmund Koh
Asst. Treasurer: Mr. Lim Zhong Rui Abel
Secretary: Mr. Soon Wei Zhi
Asst. Secretary: Mr. Christopher Kim
Committee Rep.:
Mr. Lawrence Siow
Mr. Lok Weng Kit
Mr. Kwok Tuck Kheong David
Mr. Chan Kum Sing Teddy
Mr. Chia Mun Chew Chris
Mr. Yuen Chee Keong Andy
Mr. Ng Fong Yeah Mark